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found marked "A" - the Justice of the Peace before whom it was executed attending her at her own house for the purpose; and I may add, the papers were drawn up by the Deputy Clerk of the County Court - a friend of Mrs Woods - whose name will be found attached to the Copies herewith submitted.  As I understand it, if the party said to have been threatened had wished to claim, or believed he needed the protection of the Law, he should have been the one to have made this complaint under oath; and therefore, this paper would seem to be irregular.

On the strength of this; the warrant of which a copy is herewith submitted, marked "B.", was issued.  The Accused having been arrested, the law now required that the person whom it was alleged she had threatened, and by whom she had been accused, should be confronted with her, when she would have an opportunity of introducing whatever available evidence she pleased, to either from the falseness of the charge, or that there existed no good reason why she should be constrained on bonds as demanded.  This, however, was not done.  Neither Mrs. Woods nor the freedman said to have been threatened was present at the hearing, which came off in the bar room of the Franklin Hotel at this place.  No witnesses were called; and the Accused, from want of knowledge, offered no other defense than her own statement, as per the foregoing.  As a finale, she was given the alternative to either enter into the recognizance as shown in the accompanying copy of the original paper, which will be found marked "C.", or go to jail.  It will be seen by the paper referred to, that she was really bound over to "keep the peace and be of good behavior especially towards Ann C. Woods", instead of towards "Anson Turner", who the warrant sets forth "she did threaten to shoot: - the "command" to "apprehend" being "to answer the said complaint"; by reason of which alleged threat, nonetheless, as sworn