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recognizance into which this woman has been thus unjustly forced has no legal effect possible, unless the assumes the - responsibility of perpetrating some overt act which will bring it to the test, she must still continue, to all purposes and intents, virtually bound by it. 
The true object in this case, it is manifest, was to debar the accused from entering on the land of the Complainant, to remove the tree felled; or, let it even be said, to guard against her doing harm to, by injuring the property of the latter. Complainant did not, it is to be presumed, materially care for the personal safety of the freedman "Amon Turner" who was neither her slave, nor a member of her household, and in fact was not in her employ at all, at the time, nor even temporarily, except, perhaps, prospectively, as she may have purposed to employ him to cut up the tree; but this circumstance, so vague in itself, should not have been considered; besides there appears in the papers submitted in explanation whatever as to have the alleged threat made against this man's person, if called out, would have affected the interests of the Complainant. There is nothing to show that if threatened at all, as stated, it may not have been through some private misunderstanding between who accused and himself, not having the slightest reference to the "property" or "person" of the Complainant, providing even he had been in her employ at the time. But to the reverse even of this, this man, with whom I have conversed, says that he has never had any disturbance, difficulty, or misunderstanding with the accused; that there has never a harsh word passed between this; there exists no ill feeling between them; that he knows of no cause why she should have threatened him as alleged; that he never heard her do it; he does not entertain the slightest apprehension that she will ever attempt to injure him in any manner; he made no charge or complaint himself against her, authorized, requested and sanctioned no one else to do so, each was not cognizant