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Franklin County to wit

Be it remembered that on this 9th day of March 1867 Polley Smithers and Keziah Smithers of the said County personally came before the undersigned John I Saunders a Justice of the Peace of the said County and severally acknowledged themselves to me to the Commonwealth of Virginia, that is to say, the said Polley Smithers the sum of Fifty Dollars, and the said Keziah Smithers the sum of Fifty Dollars each, to be levied of their respective goods and chattels lands and tenements, to the use of the said Commonwealth if the said Polly Smithers shall make default in the performance of the underwritten condition.

The condition of the above recognizance is such that if the above bound Polley Smithers shall keep the peace and be of good superior towards all the citizens of this Commonwealth and especially towards Ann E. Woods for and during the term of One year from the day hereof then this recognizance shall be said otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.

Taken and acknowledged before me in the said County the day and year first above written. 
(Signed) John I . Saunders J.P.

A Copy
Teste James J Carper, Deputy 
for Ro. A. Scott, Clerk 
Franklin County Court

Transcription Notes:
Polley is spelled like that a couple times, and once "Polly". Transcribed as writter. SEVERALLY: separately or individually; each in turn. "the partners are jointly and severally liable" TESTE. : the witnessing or concluding clause of an instrument (as a writ)