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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 

Alexandria, Va., May 1867

Bvt Brig Gen'l O. Brown 
Asst. Comr State of Va. 
I have the honor to submit the following report of an inspection of the 10th Sub. District, State of Va, in compliance with Circular 5. dated Bureau R. F. and A. Lands, Richmond, Va. March 27th, 1867. 
On the 13th ultimo, I visited Fairfax Co. Lieut. Shields in charge, Hd. Qrs. at Falls Church, - his books are kept in good shape, and in accordance with the Bureau Manual, and from conversation with several colored-parties and some of the citizens, I find that the colored people are all self sustaining, and am of the opinion, that they are all doing well in that County, and that equal justice is administered to them by the Civil Courts, the majistrates with few exceptions seem inclined to do justice to the colored people, other citizens generally are rapidly overcoming their former prejudices, the colored people generally understand the laws relating to the marriage relations, and many of them are renewing their marriage vows before a regularly ordained minister. The County Authorities as a general thing, are disposed to take care of their indigent colored-people as far as they are able, but their means are very limited at this time. There are but few indigent freed-people in this County. 