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Lexington Va June 16th 1867

Clay Mullen, colored, having been duly sworn before me J.W. Sharp Brvt. Major & Military Commissioner for the county of Rockhidge Va deposeth and saith as follows -
On the morning of the 16th June 1867 at about the hour of 8 A.M. Mr. White on board the James River packet boat Marshall at the Landing near Lexington Va I heard a disturbance near by - Going on shore I found that it was occurring on board the James River Supply boat Joseph C. Cabell. I saw Captain George Tager of that boat at the office window. He was choking William J. Lyle [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] and pressing his head against the side of the said cabin window with his left hand, while with his right he was beating him on the right cheek and temple. He gave him some eight or ten severe blows. William did not resist but called out "Captain you have beaten me enough". The captain answered - "You damned, impertinent son of a bitch I'm the judge of that, when I've given you enough", and continued beating him -

Clay X his mark Mullen

J.W. Sharp Brvt. Major &
Military Commissioner Rockbridge Co Va