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Head Quarters 7th Sub-District of Virginia
Bureau of Freedman and Abandoned Land
Lynchburg Va., June 26, 1867

Bvt Brig Genl O Brown
Assistant Commissioner
State of Virginia

I have the honor to make in compliance with Circular No 5 C.S. the following Report of inspection in Division No 7 Campbell Appomattox Amherst and Nelson Counties.  

In this division the freedman are doing well generally  The old tendency towards Lynchburg seems to have completely subsided and steady labor seems the rule, Farmers generally report themselves well satisfied and claim to be paying good wages though the rates for labor neither in Lynchburg nor the country are as high as before the war.  I have travelled over nearly evry portion of the division on horseback and note everywhere the general close application of the freedpeople to their duties.  The dispensing of Justice here is in full accordance with the Virginia rule - a matter dependent

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-25 16:14:47