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Head Quarters 7th Sub-District of Virginia.
Bureau of Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Lynchburg Va, June 1867

Bvt Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Assistant Commissioner
State of Virginia

I have the honor to make in compliance with Circular No. 5 C.S. the following report of inspection to Division No. 6 Rockbridge Bath and Allegheny Counties.

So completely absorbed was every interest in caring for the crops that few opportunities were afforded me of of meeting white or colored citizens. I heard no complaints and saw little to indicate that any interest was being neglected  I regard the general condition of the freedmen as good as elsewhere in my District.  So scarce are laborers that many farmers have curtailed their operations and wages have had a continuous upward tendency - They seem to be approaching a living point for the freedmen and at present rate will soon reach that hight where he can make more than his victuals and clothes  Scarcity of labor was urged by every business man I conversed with and though few