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John Marshall (Cold) being duly sworn testified as follows.

Tim Reid Mr Doherty goes down to my house on Monday evening 9th inst and tore the window down up stairs at the foot of my bed then kicked several of my things about. Mr Doherty came back next eve passing on by I spoke to him. He stopped. I asked him what kind of was was that of going to a man's house and tearing his things to pieces. The answer he gave me "he did not do it himself" I asked him why he did not go to white peoples houses and tare up things I asked him why he wanted to destroy what little we niggers had. He said no more to me, nor I to him. He passed on I said nothing to Mr. Ried about it at all. I came on the street one night, and I saw him. He said to me he understood I [[best guess]] cut [[best guess/]] up right-smartly about what he did at the house the other night. I told him I had a perfect right to protect my property, what little I had. He told me don't talk too high about it or he would knock my head off with a rock. I gave him the same answer again. He threw a rock and struck me on the arm. I stooped down to pick up one to throw at him. I threw and I did not strike him. I started for him. Mr Doherty told me not to come near or he would cut my damned guts out. I broke run went and gave it up and came to the