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B.647. R.F .& A.L. 7th Sub Dist of Va.
Richmond Va
August 15th 1867.

Mallory Garrick
Capt. 43d. U.S.I. & A.A.A.G.
L.B.721. 7th S. Dist.

Requests a report and recommendation on request of the Friends Freedmen Relief association of Phila, viz  That at the reopening of the schools in next month (Sept) the exclusive and entire occupancy of the school and Mission buildings at Danville may be granted to Geo Dixon Supt. The present arrangement being attended with much inconvenience and discomfort 

L.345 R.F. & A.L. Va, 3d Vol. 1867
Bureau RF & A Lands
Head Quarters 7th Sub District of Virginia
Lynchburg, Va. October 1st 1867.

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown Assistant Commissioner  The Government buildings at Danville consist of one two story barrack, 160 feet long by 60 feet wide, and a two story dwelling house erected for officers quarters  The lower story of the Barrack is taken up by school rooms and six rooms for household purposes the upper story is unoccupied, the burial corps being removed from Danville  The dwelling house has eight comfortable rooms one of which is occupied by Surgeon G.C. Eggert as quarters, One of the appurtenances of the dwelling house is the former dispensary building and is used for same purpose by surgeon Eggert 

Mr Dixon uses only a portion of the rooms of the dwelling house and has one or more families living in the rooms of the Barrack  Mr. Dixons family consists of himself and wife and last winter of two female teachers. It is not perceived that he has any reason whatever for wishing the ejectment of Surgeon Eggert whose services seem indispensable during this sickly season and for whom the Bureau must incur the expense of hiring quarters elsewhere if Mr Dixon request be complied with  If troops be sent Danville as seems likely now a portion of this dwelling house will be needed for the quarters of the commd'g officer. Diagram of the buildings accompany  I would respectfully suggest that Mr Dixon be given entire possession of the barracks and be allowed to fit it up for his purposes and that the officers quarters be retained for Bureau & military requirements