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L.428. R.F. & A.L. Va. 3d. Vol. 1867.

Mayor's Office
Alexandria December 20th 1867

S.P. Lee. Capt & Brvt. Lt. Col. &c.

Dear Sir
The numerous applications at this office for Wood, on the part of destitute colored persons not residents here previous to the war, prompts me to inform you that this Corporation is not able to take charge of or assist such persons, 

There is more destitution in this City at this time, than I have ever known before, and the necessity for prompt relief is very great,

The Overseers of the Poor inform me that the wood now on hand will not more than take us through this winter, in fact we will be truly grateful if we are able to pay for the wood as fast as it is disposed of. My impression is that three hundred (300) cords of wood more than you now have will be required to supply the demands on your office even if it is distributed on the most economical principles.