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Office, First Division, Seventh Sub-District,
Lynchburg, Va., 186

Lieut. C.F. Robe
A.A.A.G. Sub Dist Lynchburg

In November last a colored man named Hubbard came to me and complained that his Son Tobe had been arrested on the charge of attempting to commit a Rape on the person of Mrs. Julia Mooney white of Campbell Co. and that bail had been refused. At the November term of the County Court Richard C. Harvey J.P. stated to me that he heard the evidence before the Magistrates who committed Hubbard, to Jail, that he knew the boy Hubbard, to be of good character; that Mrs. Mrs. Mooney, had been pronounced a Lunatic; that he did not consider her then in her right mind and he thought Hubbard should be released, and finally offered himself as security for the appearance of Hubbard before the Decr. term of the Court. Other gentlemen of respectability spoke to me in Hubbards behalf & to the same effect. I asked Mr. Harvey to try and get some Magistrate to sit with him in the case (he stating that it required two)  I told him it was not my wish to interfere in anyway unless absolutely necessary. He repeatted that no Magistrate would act with him. I then gave him an order to bail Tobe, which he did. At the Decr. Quarterly term Tobe, was tried, convicted, and sentenced to 12 months in the Penitentiary on the evidence of Mrs. Mooney, alone, and she a known person of unsound mind; to put it in the mildest terms.

The prisoners Counsel wrote a Statement to the effect, the charge was not proven which Tobes,