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No 54

United States of America
Tax sale certificate, no. thirteen
This is to certify, that at a sale of lands for unpaid taxes, under and by virtue of an act entitled "An Act for the collection of direct taxes in insurrectionary districts within the United States, and for other purposes," held pursuant to notice at Alexandria, in the County of Alexandria, in the State of Virginia, on the 11th day of January, A.D. 1864, the tract or parcel of lands hereinafter described, situate in the County of Alexandria, and State aforesaid, and described as follows, to wit:
four hundred and three and three fourth acres be the same more or less, on the right of Columbia Road eight miles North West of the Court House of said County said to have belonged to B.W. Hunter and so entered on the land Books of 1860 for the State above mentioned.
was sold and struck off to L.M Cabe, for the sum of fifty five hundred dollars, he being the highest bidder, and that being the highest sum bidden for the same; the receipt of which said sum is hereby acknowledged and confessed.
Given under our hands, at Alexandria, this 11th day of January A.D. 1864.
(Signed) John Hawxhurst
(Signed) Gillet L: Watson       
(Signed) W.J. Boreman
A Copy, Leste,

H.CLK. May 20/87[[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
Line: Say safe Certificate, no thirteen unsure word thought to be "Say" maybe pay? Line: described as follows, to wit: unsure word thought to be "wit" Signees names wanted to confirm accuracy as well as the words following ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-03 13:34:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-03 10:57:24