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feet. Be honest, faithful, polite and respectful to all; work hard, and save your 
I then gave them (the Freedmen) some
instructions of the rights conferred upon them
by the recent Acts of Congress, the one
"to provide for a more efficient government
of the rebel states", and the act supplementing thereto. I advised them to exercise those
rights with great care, and above all things 
to avoid intoxicating liquors upon election
days, and to avoid, also, any men who
might try to buy their votes with a drink 
of whiskey, for such are not to be trusted.
I told them that these rights are too sacred
to be trifled with. Said that I was a
Yankee from New England, and proud of
the appellation, which remark was occasioned by Mr. Malleny's slur thereto.
This was the substance of my remarks, which
were made without any previous contemplation, or premeditation. I did not