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Bureau of R.F. & A.L
Office of the A.S.A. Comr
5th Div 4 Va. Sub Dist
Culpeper C.H. Va
June 26th 1867

Maj W.R Morse
Sub Asst Comr
Gordonsville Va

Major —
I have the honor to submit the following case reported to me this A.M by Mr Slaughter Bradford of this place —

Mr Bradford states that he hired under a contract for the year 1867 one Beverly Hill (col'd) (which fact I am cognizant of)  Said Hill is about 30 years of age thick set about 5 ft 2 inches high dark skinned — has abandoned his wife & 3 children as well as his contract with Mr Bradford — and without cause as is alleged by Mr B & his other hirelings - The reason of his leaving it is supposed is that laborers are now getting much higher wages by the day than before on account of the grain cutting season —

It is believed that Beverly Hill has gone back to the place where he was raised viz Port Republic Rockingham Co Va.  although one of the hands on Mr. Bs place states that he heard him say he would like to go to Louden Co Va. I would suggest that steps be taken to asscertain whether he is in either of those counties or not  His wife
