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240. 2d V. 1867

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters 9th District Department of the Potomac,

Winchester, Va, July 29th 1867. 

Bt. Brig. Gen. O. Brown
Asst. Comr
Richmond, Va
I have the honor to report my action as Military Comr, in the following cases brought before me, in which freedpeople were interested - as follows,
Wm Evans, cold, and }
Anna Hunter, white - } charged with keeping a house of ill fame - 
Information having been given on oath, the parties were brought before me, and required to give bail; to appear on the 5th of August next before the County Court; in the sum of $200 - 
Wm Evans gave the required bail & was discharged.
Anna Hunter, in default of bail was committed to Jail. 

Wm Evans, cold. Charged with permitting unlawful gaming in a public house kept by him. 
This case, like the one above reported, being beyond the jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace, Evans was required