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Names of Colored Paupers of Culpeper Co Va. recently in charge of the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & A.L and transferred to the Civil Authorities in Compliance with Genl Order No. 51 Head Qrs 1st Mil District State of Va. dated Richmond Va. Augt. 7th 1867

[[5 columned table]]
| Names | Age | Former Master | Disease | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Elmira Payne | 60 | John Payne | Rheumatism | Transferred to Civil Authorities July 2d 1867 by authority of Asst Comr. BRF and AL dated June 29th 1867 |

| Hester Johnson | 40 | Berny Rawson | Paralysis | Now in Hospital at Gordonsville Va. the authorities have been notified to assume the care of her |

The above is a True Statement of the Paupers that have been transferred to the Civil Authorities of the County of Culpeper Va.

W. Augs. MacNulty
Bvt Capt. and ASA Comr
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and AL