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community - divided as follows - four are local magistrates, five are commissioned officers and soldiers of Co D. 21st Regt. - four are colored and three white civilian residents. I also examined the military officers before referred to and other parties whose statements [[strikethrough]] were not as [[/strikethrough]] it was not considered necessary to reduce to writing.

On Monday 9th inst Co. D. 21st Infty was paid and early in the evening four soldiers, Serg. Stevens, Corp. Moore and Privates King and McCann of that Company several of whom were intoxicated were in the restaurant of a colored man named George Perkins where a serious disturbance occurred. The testimony is conflicting as to the immediate cause of the same, the soldiers contending that it was a quarrel about the payment for drinks [[strikethrough]] liquor [[/strikethrough]], and the bar keeper that it was in consequence of his refusal to supply spirituous liquor in violation of an order of the Post Commander. It is however certain that at least two of these soldiers made an unprovoked [[strikethrough]] most unfortunate [[/strikethrough]]