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George Perkins (col'd) sworn

I keep saloon below Hotel.

On Monday evng. 9th inst. abt dark little after 7 - about four soldiers came in my Saloon - one of them was called King - they asked me for liquor. I told them I cannot sell it to them. I pulled down the order which I had up in the bar room from Lt Egbert against selling liquor to soldiers and showed it to the men. Three of the men tore up the order without reading it. They then asked for strong cobbles, I gave the four sherry cobbles. They were drunk at the time. One of the men refused to pay anything. Another man said he would pay and put down money - five dollars.  [[strikethrough]] Another [[/strikethrough]] The man I think [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] who was called King said he shouldn't pay, that he had been spotting me a long time and now had got hold of me, he then struck me with sling shot, and knocked me against the screen. I was partially stunned but got out of the back way leaving them there. Maj. Hooper was there when soldiers came and also my boy George, also Tom Harris col'd.

Col. Jordan came in immediately after I was struck -

George Perkins x

Sworn and subscribed before me this 13th day of Sept. 1867

Garrick Mallery
Capt 43d Infty Bvt Maj USA
Act Insp. Genl

Transcription Notes:
signature by mark (x) put after full name to facilitate search