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Henry R Hooper white sworn

Am resident of Farmville, was in Perkins' Saloon on evening of ninth inst. Five or six soldiers came in the bar room abt 7 oclock, dont know the names of any, there was one non. com. officer who did all he could to avoid the difficulty. The bar keeper Geo. Perkins told them he could not sell them whiskey, by orders from the officers in this place. He sold them some wine and porter. They wouldnt pay for it. The Corporal came back and said I will pay you rather than have any difficulty. The soldiers said he shouldn't pay. The Corporal pulled out the money to pay and the other men caught it. One of the soldiers reached over to George Perkins and pulled him to him, two of the soldiers struck Perkins. I didnt see any weapon used. Tom Harris was knocked down. I carried him out of the room. Tom Harris had done nothing and had not said & word. Two of the men came at him saying Ya G- d- nigger I'll kill you, and both struck about the same time. Col. Jordan came in just after that. I had sent for him or rather told Perkins to send for him.

Col. Jordan endeavored to stop the row  The Soldiers were engaged in attacking Perkins and Harris. He caught one of them by the collar. Some blows were struck after Col Jordan got in the room. Just before that Col Booker who was the landlord and magistrate had been in there and endeavored to stop the disturbance and failed and went after Col. Jordan. The latter succeeded in quieting the disturbance before I left. Capt Knight came in with