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Charles Stevens Serg. Co D. 21st Infty sworn

On night of 9th inst. I was in Perkins' Saloon abt 7½ or quarter to 8 - I took Private King in, he was intoxicated, he had been lying outside asleep. Corp Moore, and Private McCann came in shortly afterwards. McCann didnt seem drunk, he called for some thing to drink. There were three glasses of whiskey and one bottle of porter. King drank the porter. I drank whiskey so did McCann, not certain whether Corp. Moore drank or not. believe he took cigar. Perkins didnt make any difficulty about giving whiskey. Didnt see him take any order from Lt Egbert and show to us. Didnt hear him make any objection to giving the whiskey. He wanted McCann to pay for drinks. Cap Moore was going out from the door and Perkins followed him to the door and asked him to pay for the drink because he had told him to let McCann have them. Corp Moore was about paying and [[strikethrough]] McCann [[/strikethrough]] King wouldn't let him pay - pulled Moores arm back. There was a dispute about the price. George Perkins came aside of the bar, think he had a revolver in his hand. King and he got fighting - cant say who struck first. Saw King hit him in the head  I caught King and pulled him back, he hit Perkins with a tumbler. A colo man, barber, was there  I didnt see any one hit him. I didnt see any person struck but Perkins. There were four or five more colored men in the room, and one white citizen that I remember to have seen. The only person I knew to have been struck was Perkins. There was fighting at the other end 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-04 12:06:24