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men kill me." The men then ran around and one of them beat me over the arm with a stick and they said they meant to kill me. I ran away. I saw from a distance fighting going on, a crowd had gathered. The number fighting was small.

I think these men have something against me and I am in danger while they stay here. I have heard today that they still threaten my life. I think one reason is because I was detailed as special policeman. Also because Col Jordon told me that if I caught any of the colored men [[strikethrough]] selling [[/strikethrough]] buying liquor [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] for the soldiers I should report it and have the man put in the cage. I did catch one of their cooks getting them liquor and he was put in the cage. They are down on me that.

William Fouqué x

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of Sept 1867
Garrett Mallery
Capt 43 Infty Bvt Maj USA
Asst. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
Signature by mark (x) put after full name to facilitate searches (per SI instruction)