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get out writs of ejectment & have them removed by the Civil force of the County. That there would be no trouble between the Bureau & them.

Butler spoke again saying they found no fault with the Bureau. That it was the President they complained of he having no right to pardon Mr Taylor. It was then about sunset and as nothing could be done I spoke to Butler, Black, & others, and told them it was getting late I would go back to Norfolk. I send you a copy of the Virginian which contains about the substance of the speeches of Butler & Black. Black made the speech which is credited to Parker. The Virginian got the information through the indiscretion of one of the party who accompanied me to the farm & who was also there with Gen Howe. I did not want it published & requested that no information be given the papers. I anticipate some trouble between Black & Butler & the Civil Authorities on account of an assault & battery committed by them. On 1st inst two men residents of the farm came to me & complained that Butler Black & some others had been constituted a Court for the trial & punishment of Criminals in their own community that they had been tried for an alleged

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& not +