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from some previous experience in other cases that my official action in the premises, might either from ignorance or design, be misrepresented, I hurriedly wrote a note in pencil to you stating the facts and the reasons of my course and handed it to the complainant with a request that he would deliver it to you - Fearing that he might not have delivered the note, and seeing you at your office door in the course of the day, I called on you and went into a verbal statement of the case more fully than I had done in my hurried note, adding that in some thirty years that I had filled the office of Mayors Recorder and Alderman of the Corporation of Winchester, I had never issued a warrant under such circumstances, and without such an oath as I had required in this case, to any applicant, white or black, unless where the battery had been committed under my own view, or I was satisfied from evidence, that the case was one of such flagrant character as to justify a departure from the usual course in such cases; or where there was danger of the offender departing from the jurisdiction of the Court, so that upon an indictment or presentment against him, the process