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thought he was right, and I certainly would have done the same thing if the case had been before me.

I will further add, as not altogether foreign to the question now under consideration, that having been connected with the county the Corporation of Winchester, in one way or other, as I have already said, for a period of more than thirty years, I state it as my conscientious conviction, that there never has been a time within my knowledge, when there was a stronger or more general desire manifested to afford all reasonable & proper protection to our colored population by the Magistracy of the town than has been exhibited since the close of the late war; and that I do not know of a single instance in which any Justice of the Peace of the Corporation, has manifested within that time, any disposition to withold from them all the protection which in like cases would be extended to white persons, and I am so well assured of the truth of this statement that if it is questioned, in any respectable quarter, I will take it upon myself to make it 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-05 14:28:41