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List of persons discharged by reason of having exercised the elective franchise in a manner unsatisfactory to their employers.

[[4 columned table]]
| Employer | Laborer | County | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Benj. F. Whitelaw | Tyree Johnson | Madison |   |
| James Treyman | Harry Williams | Madison | is a Magistrate |
| Davis Treyman | Moses Kelly | Madison |   |
| J.J. Anderson | Preston Allen | Fluvanna |   |
| Joseph King | John Brown | Fluvanna |   |
| Dr. Talley |   |   | Discharged several whose name could not be learned. |
| Moses Weaver |   | Madison | Prevented several voting by threatening to discharge them. |

W.R. Morse
Bt. Maj. S.A.C.
4. Sub Dist. Va.

Hd. Qrs. 4 Sub Dist Va.
Gordonsville Va.
Nov. 29, 1867.