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Bureau of R F. & A.L
Office of the ASA Comr
5th Div 4th Va Sub Dist
Culpeper CH Va Dec 27th 1867

Brig Genl. O. Brown
Asst Commr
Richmond Va

Your communication of date 24th inst was rec'd this day - and in reply I will state that it is my wish to remain in the Bureau at my present station in a civil capacity after my muster out on the 1st prox -

I would prefer to remain here if practicable as my wife has a situation as Teacher of Freedmen's school - and her salary added to mine will in the aggregate pay us very well though I should get but $100, or 125 a month. (She get $40.)

With many thanks for your kindness to me personally since I have been serving under you I remain

Your obt Servt
W.A. MacNulty 
Bvt Capt. ASA Comr