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Extract from Deed of Lease made by C. W. Newton & wife and C. W. Newton to George Cross, dated July 1 1851. The Lease being for a term of seven years and renewable at option of Lessors
"And it is further declared and agreed on between the parties for themselves their heirs and assigns respectively that if the rent or taxes aforesaid shall at any time be in arrear for the term of six months (sufficient distress not being found on the premises to secure the same,) or if the said George Cross his heirs or assigns shall fail to build on the premises such a house or houses as is before described and within the time before named; then it shall be lawful for the said Lessors, their heirs or assigns to enter on the said demised premises or any part thereof, in the name of the whole, and to put an end to the said Lease, and repossess the demised premises as of the former title, and in the same manner as if these presents had never been executed."

I certify the above extract to be correct from the said deed of Lease duly recorded in the Clerks Office of the Court of the Corporation of the City of Norfolk.
Henry W. Bowden Clk

[[internal revenue stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 11:41:47