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Head. Quarters Dist. of Fort Monroe
Fort Monroe March 25th. 1866.

Received this day of Bvt. Major H. C. Egbert. 12 US. Inft the sum of $214.00. Two hundred and fourteen dollars belonging to Estate of Benj Goldman deceased together with memorandum of account.

Sigd. A. O. Hitchcock
Capt. and A. D. C. and Pro Marshal.
Hd. Qrs. 1st Mil Dist.
Richmond Va. Sept. 24. 1867.
A true Copy.
sigd. S. F. Chalfin 
A A. Genl.

New Copy
sigd. V. J. Cragie
Adjt. 12th US. Inft.

Russell Barracks
Washington D.C. Sept 12, 1867
Respectfully returned to Maj. Genl. Schofield Commanding Dept of Potomac (through Adj't Genl USA) with information that by instructions from Maj. Genl. Miles Com'ding Distct of Fort Monroe I turned over the within money to his Pro. Marshal Capt AO Hitchcock and took his receipt a copy of which certified by the Adjt 12th Inft I herewith enclose.
I received the within letter of Geo. Goldman with its endorsements from Genl Schofield in February last and answered it sending a certified copy of this receipt but it does not appear to have been received in Richmond Hd Qrs 1st Mil Disct
(sgd) Harry C Egbert
Capt 12th Inft Bvt Maj USA

Richmond Va Sep 24 1867
A true copy
sgd S.F. Chalfin

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A true Copy
F.I. Massey
Bvt Capt and ASAC
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