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Virginia, Roanoke County to wit:

Depositions of witnesses taken before us G.B. Board, Z. Boon and John Parrish, Justices of the County now sitting upon the examination of Steven Campbell, (freedman) suspected of lunacy:

The deposition of Dr. G.P. Terrill, of lawful age and a physician by profession being by us first duly sworn, in answer to the following interrogatories, under oath, says:

1st Question - What is the party's age and where born?
Answer - I do not know.

2nd Question - Is he married?
Answer - He is unmarried

3rd Question - What are his habits, occupation & reputed property?
Answer - He is of intemperate habits, blacksmith by trade - and has no property,

4th Question - How long since indications of insanity appeared.
Answer - I do not know.

5th Question - Is his derangement evinced on one or several subjects? What are they?
Answer - I have examined this subject this evening for the first time & I find him laboring under symptoms of Menengitis resulting, as I think, from a wound in the foot, exposure to cold & intemperate habits.

The deposition of Dr Thos. H.B. Dillard of lawful age and a physician by profession, being by us first duly sworn, in answer to the following interrogatories under oath, says :

1st Question - What is the party's age and where born?
Answer - I do not know.