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2nd Question. Is he married,
Answer - He is not married.

3rd Question - What are his habits, occupation and reputed property?
Answer - He has no property, habits intemperate and by occupation a blacksmith.
4th Question - How long since indications of insanity appeared?
Answer - The last Ten days, to my knowledge.

5th Question - What were they?
Answer - Convulsions and great depression of spirits.

6th Question - Does the disease appear to increase?
Answer - It does.

7th Question - Are there periodical exacerbations?
Answer - Not that I can learn.

8th Question - Is his derangement evinced on one or several subjects?
Answer - On no particular subject, that I can discover.

9th Question - What is the supposed cause of the disease?
Answer - Exposure & intemperance causing menengitis.

10th Question - What change is there in his bodily condition since the attack.
Answer - There has been no material change.

11th Question - Has there been a former attack?
Answer - I do not know of any.

12th Question - Has he shown any disposition to commit violence [[crossed-out]] Answer [[crossed-out]] to himself or others?
Answer - I do not know.

13th Question - Whether any or what restraint has been imposed on him?
Answer - He has been arrested and confined in the County Jail.
14th Question - If any what connections of his have been insane?
I do not know positively - I learn from his mother that his father became deranged some time before he died.