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R.70.R.F.&.A.L. State of Va. 1st Vol 1867
M" 5(O.S. 1st Dist Va. B.RF and A.L.) Vol. 1.1867
H" 19(O.S. 1st Dist Va. B.RF and A.L.) Vol. 1.1867
Bureau R.F. and A. L. H'd Qrs Asst Comr. State of Va. Richmond M'ch 26. 1867.

Mallery Garrick Capt 43rd U.S. Infty and A.A.A.G. B.R.F. and A.L.

Requires that the case of Harry Daugherty and London Brockett, alluded to in Lt Horeus' report under Cir NO 10 Series 1866 Bureau &c Va, is referred for such action as will bring it before the Civil Authorities, Also encloses Copy of G.O. No 1 H'd Qr 1st Dist Va, Specially inviting attentio to Par 3. of the same. Requires the result of action to be reported.
(1 Enclosure)

Bureau R.F. and A. L. Office Supt 1st Dist of Va. Norfolk M'ch 28. 1867.

Respectfully forwarded to Lieut Morton Horeus Asst Supt for Princess Anne Co Va.
J.H. Remington Bvt Maj & Supt.
EB Vol.1. 1867.
Wise Fam P.A.C. Va. March 28th 1867
Respectfully returned to Brvt Maj J.H. Reminton Supt R.F. and A.L. First Dist. of Va. with the information that the attention was called to the case of London Brockett in a communication from 1st Dist office February 16th 1867 which was replied from this office February 18th 1867. 
Stating that London Brockett had been honorably acquitted of the charge then pending against him (Felony) In reference to the case of Harry Daugherty the case is now pending before the civil authorities, will make a report of the same on the result being known
Very Respectfully  Morton Horeus Lt and Asst Supt R.  [[?]]
Rec'd (O S 1st Dist. Va. RF and AL) Mch 28, 1867
Rec'd back(O S 1st Dist. Va. RF and AL) April 3rd, 1867

Transcription Notes:
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