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Taylor Farm
The most difficult matter for the Bureau to deal with in this Division, at present, is the Taylor Farm which is still occupied by the Freedmen regardless of the rights of Mr. Taylor and the authority of the Government. The people upon the Farm are unwilling either to pay rent or to move away, nor can any assurances from the Officers of the Bureau convince them of the impropriety of their course.  Many of them claim to believe that the property has not been restored -. The leading men amongst them, some of whom are men of considerable means, while acknowledging that they ought to pay rent, decline to make any arrangements for doing so, giving as an excuse that their lives have been threatened if they take any such step -. The removal of these people {estimated to number between 600 and 700} at this season of the year when their crops are already in the ground, being a difficult undertaking and also inadvisable on the score of humanity, I  can see no other proper course to pursue, but for the Bureau to assume the payment of rent for another year at the end of which measures could undoubtedly be devised for their peacable removal, they having had meanwhile, ample time to provide new homes for themselves and families -. 
The Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner in this Division - Lieut Ed. Murphy is both a capable and faithful officer and has during the short time he has been in charge labored earnestly and with good effect -. The office records are somewhat embarrassed from the fact that the Offices of Sub Assistant Commissioner and Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner were formerly performed by the same officer without separate sets of records, and additional blank books are needed to complete the records which have been commenced by Lieutenant Murphy -. x

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 21:12:11 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-08 16:07:15