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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Petersburg, Va., 16th March 1867

Bvt. Brig Genl O. Brown
A.A. Adj. Genl Bu RF &c
Richmond Va.

In reply to your communication of 18th ult. requesting me to, "as soon as possible forward the consolidated report for my Dist under Cir No. 1. C.S. from your Hd Qrs.", I have the honor to state that reports from the Sub-Dists of Lts. Geo T. Cook and J.A. Yeckley have not yet been received; the consolidated reports will be forwarded as soon as those are received.

If you desire a consolidated report of those received can be forwarded at once.

Very Respty
Your obt Servt
J R Stone
Bvt Major and Superintendent
Bureau RF & AL