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Office Chief C.S. Bureau R.F & A.L.
1st District State of Virginia.
Richmond, Va. March 25th 1867.

Enclosed please find a Copy of Special Order No. 9. dated Head Quarters 1st District State of Virginia, Richmond, Va, March. 23d 1867. Hereafter all issues made to Freedmen & Refugees in 1st District State of Virginia, will consist of the ration authorized by the enclosed Circular.

A copy of the following Abstracts, will be required at this Office, (to be places on file) to be forwarded by the 10th of the month succeeding the issue.

Monthly Abstract of issues to each Freedmens Hospital.
Monthly Abstract of issues to each Freedmen.
Monthly Abstract of issues to each Refugees.

I am  Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
Herman Schreiver
2d. Lieut. 20th Infty.
Chief C.S. Bureau R.F & A L.

Genl. O. Brown
Asst Commissioner