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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Petersburg, Va., April 10th 1867

Capt. Garrick Mallery
A. Asst. Adj. Genl
Bureau RF & AL
Richmond Va

I regret to inform you that the building known as the Poplar Lawn Church, used as a schoolhouse, the property of the Bureau, was last night burned to the ground; doubtless the fire was the work of an incendiary. I am today carefully investigating the case. The school - Miss A. Aikin Principal - was one of the best in the city. It was sustained by the Protestant Episcopal Freedmens Commission.

By a recent deed, approved by the Asst Commr the building was in Jan'y 1871 to revert to the Presbyterian Society owning the lot on which it stood, in liquidation of claims for rent of lot. I shall today endeavor to find another building to recommence the school.

Very Resp'ty your Obt Sev.
J R Stone
Bvt Major and Superintendent
Bureau R.F. & A.L.