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Office Asst. Supt. Freedmen's Bureau
Sub Dist of Brunswick & Greenville Cos. Va
Lawrenceville Va April 16th 1867

Bvt. Brig Gen O. Brown
Asst. Comr State of Va.
Richmond Virginia

In the case of Jack Russ, colored, alluded to in my report of Jan 31st 1867 under Circular No 15 series of '66 I have the honor to report, in obedience to the requirements of Official Letter Hd Qrs Asst. Comr State of Va Richmond March 26 1867 (No 217), that the matter has been duly brought before the civil authorities and Clinton B. Hossisen, wte made the assault & brutal attack upon Jack Russ cold, placed under bonds to appear before the Grand Jury which met with the last County Court, to answer the indictment. The Grand Jury found a true bill upon the evidence of Jack Russ & his witnesses, and the case will now be tried, but not until the next term of the Circuit Court which sits in Brunswick