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to eat, and always some left, which they told me they were not accustomed to.

Mr. Killebrew is one of the finest farmers in Christian County, works a most beautiful farm, is amiable in his disposition and extremely kind to the freedmen, and fair and punctual.

The expense of each, from Virginia, were $35 to be deducted from their wages.

But Mr. Killebrew has provided the means for them to make that amount, or more, clear of their wages, by furnishing them ground for tobacco, giving them the stock and implements to cultivate it and time to work the crop. This is a side contract, made in my presence.

No other man in our county has been so liberal to freedmen: they certainly have with Mr. Killebrew, the best home in the county.

They were badly clothed when they came out here, and the day after I closed the contact for them, Mr. Killebrew came to town and purchased for each one, a full suit of summer clothing in advance of their wages.