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Virginia. At a Circuit Court held for Prince Edward County at the Court house the 19th day of March 1867 A grand jury of Inquest for the body of the County being charged and sworn presented an Indictment against Joe Bell in these words:
Third Judicial Circuit, Prince Edward County to wit: In the Circuit Court of said County.
The Jurors of the Commonwealth of Virginia in and for the body of the County of Prince Edward, and now attending the said court; upon their oaths present that Joe Bell on the 25th day of December in the year One thousand eight hundred and sixty five in the said County, in the night time of that day Burglariously and Feloneously did break and enter the Dwelling house of John B. McGehee with intent in the said dwelling house the goods and chattels of the said John B. McGehee then and there being, then and there feloneously and Burglariously to take, steal, and carry away, and two firkins of Lard of the value of fifty dollars, and Eight gallons of molasses of the value of four dollars, and one piece of Sole leather of the value of one dollar all of Sum of the goods and chattels of the said John B. McGehee in the said dwelling house then and there being, feloneously and Burglariously did steal, take and carry away against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Endorse: A true Bill C.A. Price foreman is Joe Bell who stands Indicted for Burglary appeared in Court according to his recognizance entered into for the purpose, and is discharged therefrom, was led to the bar and thereof arraigned and pleaded not guilty to the Indictment, and came a Jury to wit: Albert Brightwell, Frederick Whitman, John J. Brightwell, James Mickle, John Young, Richard

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