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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Petersburg, Va., April 28th 1867 

In reply to your communication of yesterday, in reference to Head Quarters of Col Burke Agent I have the honor to call your attention to another point in the "confidential" letter of Jany 5th by you referred to 
My request was based in fact on the want of energy displayed by Lt Yeckly Although I have always attended to the City business of the Bureau, myself, still the officer named would sit in my office for a week at a time without visiting the country of either County
Col Burke is a stirring man, and I believe can do the best if located here
I also frankly state that he has a large family and I shall be glad to see him favored in this particular if consistent with the views of the Asst Commissioner
Very resptly yours
J R Stone
Bvt Maj & SAC

Capt Garrick mallery