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Office Asst Sub Asst.  and Bureau  R. F. & A. L. 
3d Division 2nd Sub District Virginia
Laurenceville Va. May 6th, 1867

Bvt. Maj. J.R. Stone
Sub Asst Comr.
Petersburg Va.

I have the honor to report that Dr. R. A. Ghelson of Brunswick Co. is owing Armstead Abernathy, cold, seventy five dollars more or less for services as farm hand during 1866 and claims that he has no means or power at his command of paying him. Dr. Ghelson had previously given a deed of trust upon all of his property to a near relative who has since died, and the management of the property is now in the hands of an executor of the deceased who will not pay this account. Before the death of the person to whom Dr Ghelson had deeded his property it was privately understood by them that the labor should be paid from the preceeds of the plantation. The cotton crop raised on the plantation last year