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Wylliesburg P.O.
July 10 1867

Lt Col John W. Jordan
I was informed by Col R. A. Barnes on Sunday last, that I had been represented to you, as having made a speech to the Freedmen, in which I promised if they would vote with their employers they should receive forty acres of land, and fifty dollars in money. And that, you had characterized the same as a swindle, and requested him to investigate the same, that he had done so without informing me, and had reported to you the charge was false.

The only speech I have made, or attempted to make, was on June 10th to a mixed assembly of Whites & blacks, at the Church near Wylliesburg. The points I made there, 1st. The State was out of the Union, and it was important to all, she should be restored to her former position in the Union. 2d. That Congress had presented a plan for restoration, and it was the duty of all to accept that plan in good faith and follow its provisions. 3d. It was the duty of all to Register to vote and advised all to vote for calling a Convention, and when voting for delegates to that Convention, be sure to vote only for such parties as would make a constitution which would be acceptable to Congress, or else, we would have to do the work over, and Kept out of the Union an indefinite time. I advised harmony and good will between the races, as best for all, and told them there