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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands, 
Head Qrs. Asst. Com. State of Virginia
Richmond, Va. July 28 1867.

Respectfully returned to Bvt Major J.H. Stone S.A.C. for official investigation and report.

O Brown
Bvt Brig Gen Vols
Asst. Comr

E.& M.2V.138.67

Bureau R F & A L
Hd Qrs. 2d S. Dist Va
Petersburg July 20/67

Resp'ty referred to Mr John Burke Agent for Dinwiddie and Pr Geo. Counties for compliance with endorsement of the Asst Commissioner. SAC. Burke will proceed to Mr Browns farm and give all parties having information on the subject, a careful examination in reference thereto. This paper to be returned with report.

J R Stone
Bvt Maj and Sub Asst Com

EB p96 M 3.67

July 31st 1867
Respectfully returned to Major Stone, with the information that the parties named within were hired by Mr. Brown, by the month, at $10.00 per month, and on the 1st of June he volunterly advanced then pay to $12.00 with the understanding, that if they would leave they were to give him notice, to supply others, or put hands in their place, he allowed them to go to Register, but says he could not spare all of them the day they went to the meeting, he has taken back all the parties with the exception of three, who he says he does not want, he is farming on a large scale and says so many leaving at this particular time put him to great inconvenience

Very Respecy
John Burke
Agent R F & A.L. Prince George & Dunwiddie Co