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Report Continued

[[6 columned table]] 
| Number | Parties to Action | Nature of Complaint | Date of Trial | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 5th | Joseph Morton Spencer Anderson Silas Anderson Wm West Freedmen. Plaintiffs ~ vs ~ Geo R Davis White Defendant Prince Edward Co Virginia | Violation of Contract | July 27, 1867 | In December 1865 the Freedmen named entered into a contract with the Defendant for the cultivation of a Crop of Tobacco Oats Corn Kraut &c in the plantation of Defendant in Prince Edward Co Va for the year 1866. The party of the 1st part agreeing to furnish the land & team, - and the parties of the 2nd part agreeing to furnish the labor, and to pay one half of the expense of mailing the aforementioned Crops, and the proceeds of the Crops to be equally divided between the part of the 1st part & the party of the 2nd part. The Corn Oats &c were divided in December 1866. - the Tobacco was not disposed of until the month of May 1867 after which the part of the 1st part declined to settle with the Freedmen, unless they agreed That the provisions of the Contract between the parties admitted of no expenses excepting those absolutely necessary to advance the intent of the Crops being made and that Davis had no right to appropriate to his personal use any portion of the Crop without accounting to his partners for it. Ordered. That the outside expense a/c be ruled out and Davis charged with the missing corn - and that he at once renders accounts of sales, and the proceeds be disposed of in accordance with the contract which was done in the presence of the Military Commission. |