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3. Report Continued 

[[5 columned table]]
| Parties to action | Nature of Complaint | Date of Trial | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| Jno Minor; White Peter Reed} Richard Booker} Freedmen Plaintiffs -Vs- Jos L. Locket Defendant. Prince Edward Co Va | Refusal to settle in accordance with contract made between the parties for the cultivation of Crops of Tobacco, Corn & Oats on plantation of Defendant in 1866 | Aug 12, 1867 | The parties in November 1865 entered into a written contract for the making of the Crops named in 1866. The proceeds after paying all necessary expenses to be divided between the Plaintiffs & Defendant equally - In this contract the Defendant agreed to furnish to each of the Plaintiffs 100 pounds Bacon which he failed to do - The crops were made in accordance with the contract, so far as the Plaintiffs were concerned, but upon settlement two of the Plaintiffs were brought into debt, and the third was plaid $2 52/100 as his share of the entire  crop. The Plntffs then complained to this Office of the injustice of the settlement, when the Deft was summoned to appear before me. The facts developed in the examination clearly found that the Deft had taken advantage of the Plffs in charging them exhorbitantly, for expenses, such as extra labor, hauling &c | That the accounts be produced and examined - and a settlement made in accordance with the contract, which resulted in bringing Defendant in Debt as follows. To Minor $14.77 To Reed 29.26. To Booker 37.37 Ordered That the above named amounts be paid to the Plaintiffs respectively & Receipts passed, all of which was done in presence of the Military Commissioner |