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Norfolk Va Sept 2d 1867.

Asst Adjt Genl.
1st Milty Dist
State of Virginia
Richmond Va:

I have the honor to request that the Commissary of Subsistence at Norfolk, Va, may be instructed to continue the issue of rations which I was authorized by Genl Schofield to draw in November 1866 to myself and family.

I am in very destitute circumstances oweing to the continued illness of my son John Ester, he is sick with consumption which disease he contracted in the line of duty and while a soldier in the 5th Penn Vol Cavy. He is unable to support himself much less give me any assistence. I would respectfully request that in case my application meets with the approval of the commanding general the commissary be directed to issue an army ration

I am Sir
Very Respy Your Obdt Servt
Anna Rodgers

Through Hd Qrs Post of Norfolk, Va.