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There is some improvement in the appearance of his records since my last report.

6th Division: Prince Edward. Buckingham. Cumberland and Charolotte Counties.

Brevt. Lieut Col. J. W. Jordan. A.S.A. Comm'r.

This Officer has an arduous task, and is discharging his duty faithfully. He is systematic in his manner of transacting business, and has his records in admirable order.

7th Division. Mecklenburg County.

Alex. D. Bailie. Agent.

Mr. Bailie is improving in the manner of transacting his business. and like most men and Officers taking positions in the bureau. has learned that the freedmen need protection. He is zealous in the discharge of his duties, but is deficient in executive ability.

8th Division. Halifax County.
Lieut Georg R. Ruffin. A.S.A. Comm'r.

Fortunately this Officer, as he claims, has but little to do. If he has any difficulty, he does not report it to this Office.

After the election- the office of A.S.A. Comm'r will be a sinecure in Halifax County-.
He has no records of any value.