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Record of the proceedings of the Court Established in Lunenburg County Va, by Authority of Special Order No 41 
Head Qrs Ass't Com's'r Bureau R.F. & A.L. dated Richmond Virginia April 1st 1867.

[[8 column table]]
| Date of Trial | No of case | Complainants | Defendant | Character of Action or Complaint | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision or action of Court | Remarks, |

| September 23rd 1867 | 32 | Gilbert Arvin. | W. N. Arvin. | Claims damages of $5.00 for the killing of his Hog | No Evidence to substantiate the charge | Case dismissed at Plaintiffs Costs. | Plaintiff Paid Costs $1,00 |
| September 23rd 1867 | 33 | Simon Wilson. | T. Crowder. | Claims Pay for services rendered | Evidence proved that services were rendered for five months by Plaintiff and son, and that they were drove off. | Judgement for Plaintiff for $25,00 and Costs including offsetts | Plaintiff Paid Costs $1,00 |
| September 23rd 1867 | 34 | John Holcombe | M. Dupree | Claims pay for services rendered. | Evidence proved that Plaintiff rendered six months services and was drove away. | Judgement for Plaintiff for $60,00 and Costs | Plaintiff Paid Costs $1,00 |
| September 26th 1867 | 35 | Young Sokes | P. Sturdivant | Claims pay for services rendered | Evidence proved that Plaintiff rendered 8 months services, Defendant admitted it, Plaintiff was drove off | Judgement for Plaintiff for $50,00 and Costs | Plaintiff Paid Costs $1,00 | 
| September 26th 1867 | 36 | John Smith, T. A. Gee, James Hatchet Caswell Hatchet George Jefferson Prymas Williams | J. W. Parish. | Claims pay for services rendered in saw mill and farm Crop. | Evidence proved that Plaintiff rendered services for defendant for eight months, that Defendant promised to furnish the necessary rations for his laborers, which he failed to do. Plaintiff having no rations were compelled to cease working for Defendant, and claimed pay for the time they worked there. Defendant refused to pay or settle with them | Decision that Defendant be compelled to show by producing his books what amount of work was done by plaintiffs in the saw mill, that he pay them a just compensation therefor immediately. And that the Plaintiffs return to te farm cultivate it carefully house it and when ready, to take their lawful and legal share of such crop according to contract | Defendant Paid Costs $1,00 |
| September 28th 1867 | 37 | Joseph Beasly | Ja. C. Neal. | Sues for $5,12 for services rendered |  Evidence proved that plaintiff rendered services for Defendant, Defendant admitted it | Judgement for Plaintiff in the sum of $5,12 and Costs | Defendant Paid Costs $1,00 |
[[/8 column table]]

I certify that the above is a correct Report of all Civil Cases Tried by my during the month of Sept 1867. under T. O. No. 41. Hd. Qrs. Asst Coms'r 1867.

Burkeville, Va  }
Sept 30th 1867. }

w L. R. C. 428

D. T. Connolly.
Bvt Capt U.S.V.
Justice of the Peace
Lunenburg Co, Va.

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SEP 30 1867 [[/stamp]]