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Office Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr. Bu R. F. & A. L.
3d Division 2d Sub District State of Va
Lawrenceville Va Dec 12th 1867

Bvt. Brig Genl. O. Brown
Asst. Commissioner
Richmond Va.

Referring to your communication of the 5th inst. (herewith returned) I have the honor to report that I have carefully investigated the matter and find that Clara Mabry, colored, (reported in said communication as being prosecuted by the civil authorities for selling liquor under a license from the Bureau) has been presented by the authorities of Greenvill County for selling liquor (as they claim) contrary to the laws of the State, during the time between July 1st & Apr 17th 1866, and fined fifty-50-dollars. During this time she had a license as a retail liquor dealer granted to her by Simon Stone, Int. Rev. collector for the 2d Pol. Dist. of Va., for which she had paid the necessary & required cost. The said license was in force from