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The Commonwealth of Va. vs. Henry Jenkins (cold)
Charge- Felony

L. Parsons (Constable) testifies as follows
I proceeded to the house of Jenkins in company with Mr. Catlin from whom the wheat was stolen, one room  occupied by another family. Very few things found in his (Jenkins') room, nothing that we looked for. In one corner of the room was a hole leading to the garret - no ladder - in the loft found some 13 bags. There were three (3) boots at the landing nearest the house - in them some scattering grains of wheat. One of the boots muffled.
W. M. Catlin testifies as follows - 
In Sept. last had prisoner in my employ two weeks Oct 14 my barn was broken into - Processed search was runt - went to landing mentioned above found boots with wheat scattered about - went in the house where Jenkins lived. I asked Mr. Parsons to push me up to the attic & found these bags - I recognize one bag (bags produced) James Chris Grains name on it. It contained 1 1/2 bu of wheat the morning before the barn was entered. I lost about 58 Bu. wheat worth $245. (Samples of wheat exhibited) I would have identified this wheat in Richmond or elsewhere