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increase of mortality in crowded filthy habitations, the population is  proportionately increased.
2d :- As to the likelihood "of full and complete justice "being given to freedmen by the civil court in cases in which "they are interested against whites", no impartial observer of the proceedings of the civil courts can for a moment believe, that the negro in any portion of Virginia, can obtain justice until he has a voice in the forming of juries and election of judges.
The officers now empaneling juries are careful than no lover of negro justice is allowed a voice in those cases in which the rights of negroes are involved, and if perchance an impartial member gets a seat as juror, the fear of being pointed at as a negro sympathizer will often prevent him from resisting, as he knows he ought, the findings of most of the juries in cases in which white and blacks are parties. the cause fear controls the Justices of The Peace in similar cases where prejudice might in some cases give way.

3d :- The registry of marriages is in the same condition as at the date of my last report. The four paragraphs of Circular No. 11 Series 1866, are as well carried out as can be expected under existing circumstances. The animal propensities of the negro is not wholly the result of circumstances or "education", but is constitutional; hence adultery and lewdness will be practiced among them to a greater extent than with the whites. No effort for reform in this particular will be put forth by the black race; they laugh at the practice; prostitutes